Flyers Starts EARLY for Footlocker Hopefuls

WV Fyers practice will begin early for those athletes that look to run at the FootLocker South Regional meet in NC. After the state meet runners will be allowed to join up with other Flyers runners and coaches to keep their training going for another month. If you are interested in doing this make sure you contact Casey Batey to establish a schedule that will work for you.


Athletes must fill out a print out the REGISTRAION FORM and bring it to Flyers Practice. The cost for the 8 week indoor program is 170 dollars per person.

Flyers Workout Schedule

We will be meeting 3 times a week - Tues - Sat - Sun starting on Dec. 3rd.
Week of Dec. 3rd - 10th-
Tues - 6:00 pm
Sat. - 10:00 am
Sun - 6:00 pm

Flyers Meet Informaton

Here are the list of Flyers Meets that will be held in Morgantown, WV at the indoor track.


We will have a photo gallery from this years 2008-09 Flyers program so check back here


Here are the coaches and their profiles

Sean Cleary - Jenn Davis - Josh - Casey - Heather


Here is all the contact info that you need. To get ahold of any of the coaches or athletes on the team.

Coaches - Sean Cleary
Heather Bury
Josh Simpson
Casey Batey
Jenn Davis